If you plan on buying and EVGA model make sure you are getting a -AR part as this carries a lifetime warranty, the cheaper -AR products are only carrying a 2 year warranty. Also remember you must register your card within 30 days of purchase.
I can't see any reason to buy the 192bit 768MB version though. Go collect your pocket change out of the car and spend $20 more for the 256bit 1GB version.
I can't see any reason to buy the 192bit 768MB version though. Go collect your pocket change out of the car and spend $20 more for the 256bit 1GB version.
the 460s are 199, the cheapest reputable 465 is 250.
Yeah, that one. Their clock on it is very mild, but I've read some reviews where it overclocks very well. Anythings better than my current barton agp system!
I don't understand why people can't just buy a dba meter.
Because they're expensive to get accurate ones, and most are made to measure loud noises, not industrial hums and whirrs. To get one sensitive enough for PSUs, video cards, and HSFs is cost-prohibitive for most.
$219 for 256bit 1024MB version.
The EVGA version, with lifetime warranty:
<a href="http://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-3467298-10440897?url=http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130564&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-Video+Cards-_-EVGA-_-14130564&cjsku=N82E16814130564" target="_top">
EVGA GeForce GTX 460 (Fermi) Superclocked 768-P3-1362-AR Video Card</a><img src="http://www.ftjcfx.com/image-3467298-10440897" width="1" height="1" border="0"/>
the 460s are 199, the cheapest reputable 465 is 250.
I was talking 460 768MB vs 460 1024MB Conrad
1GB GDDR5/256bit
5830 - $199
GTX460 - $219
GTX465 - $249
5850 - $289
With the 460 and 5850 swapping paint on benchmarks, the 460 looks like a nice deal, and they seem to overclock very nicely
Power consumption, temperatures, noise, real-world assessment
Oh, you mean the version "2oz Copper PCB with overclocked at 715MHz".
Great description.
Because they're expensive to get accurate ones, and most are made to measure loud noises, not industrial hums and whirrs. To get one sensitive enough for PSUs, video cards, and HSFs is cost-prohibitive for most.
Okay, how about overclock?
That is a good overclock as I was expecting. Have fun!