Steam Group Event
So I made a steam group event for Icrontic that is for a group play of Shattered Horizon. The time is ever Tuesday 8:00 PM Central Time Zone, the server is whatever we end up joining. You can switch the in game servers tab to Friends and it will list what servers your Steam Friends are playing on.
I am doing this because I was kind of told to but also because the dozen people whom played at EXPO all commented that they enjoyed playing. So lets do it to it.
I am doing this because I was kind of told to but also because the dozen people whom played at EXPO all commented that they enjoyed playing. So lets do it to it.
I've put it on my schedule for next week. Barring any necessary trips to San Francisco, count on me being there.
Still fun, though.
The question is where is curtis? I know he has the game and now he has a video card that can run the game! Well next week we hope to see some more faces, I WILL BE SPAMMING YOU IN AN INVITE IF YOU DON"T SHOW UP!
Love to see some of you on there, like Cliff and Zadok(you know you both love it).
Also in a cross promotion I have posted over at the Shattered Horizon forums to see if I can drum up any more of the community to come play with us. Remember 8PM Central, that means you Lynx.
We jumped on the depressed clan server which stayed at about 14 people for an hour and a half. Kind of starting to feel the itch again for this game again.
Be back soon.
Anyways, he bought the game. I believe we'll be playing tonight for the group event. Anyone else in?
The guest list included: Lynx(the real one), serp, and zadock. Then for other people I know from SH we managed to pull nova, nosound, and GrammarNazi(oh snap is right). Not to mention about 10 other pubs.
We normally had 16 people in the server and some times it ran over 20 which is a lot of a single server. After an epic run on the ISS SpaceStation with the machine gun it seemed to have turned it into MG night. Machine Gun brothers! But any way the night was pretty epic for an organized play and the group we had on seemed to play well. Building a good group if everyone stays with it.