help with a video file, please?

robbyrobby Olympia, WA New
edited January 2004 in Internet & Media
//edited by Dexter for compliance with Rule #4.

I have some files with extensions I have never seen and each includes one rar file and an sfv file. How do I use these files?


  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited January 2004

    welcome to Short-Media. Please take a moment to acquaint yourself with our forum rules.

    First of all, we try to discourage discussion of how to share warez, movies, etc. It reflects poorly on our site to encourage those activities. If you are not sure how to use a RAR file, ask that, and someone will be happy to help you.

    Secondly, please do not double post. You posted this in both the General Software and the Digital Media forum. Please post messages in one forum. If you post it in the wrong one, one of the moderators will happily move it for you.

    Please feel free to PM a moderator if you have any questions about our fourm rules.


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