Nintendo DSwhatnow?

ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
edited August 2010 in Gaming
It's not often here that I ask for advice (as opposed to giving unwanted advice and/or nitpicking other peoples advice) but I have a quandary for you all. I've been thinking about picking up a Nintendo DS for my portable gaming needs. I haven't been keeping up with the portable gaming technology though. So, aside from screen size and camera, what are the major differences between the DS lite, DSi and DS XL? What are some of the better DS games?

I guess what I'm really trying to decide here is if I would be better off getting one of the DSes or an open gaming platform like the GP2X or the Dingoo A320.


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    DSi drops the Gameboy Advance cartridge on the DS Lite. The DSi XL has the same resolution as the DSi, but features a physically larger screen. The DSi (and XL) both feature dual cameras, whereas the DS does not. The DSi and XL also have more RAM than the DS. Finally, and most notably, the DSi/XL both have more powerful processors; this reduces the DSi's battery life to 9-14 hours (from 14-19 on the DS), or 13-17 hours on the XL.

    The DSi is a significant upgrade to the DS, while the XL is almost purely an increase in the physical size of the screen.

    All three use different firmware, so if you plan to use something similar to an Acekard (I recommend this particular brand highly), then you'll need one specific to the DS you plan to purchase.

    The GP2x can be a great handheld if you're into, er, a large variety of "classic" titles, shall we say.
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    Thanks Thrax. One clarification, when you say DSi drops GBA cart on the DS Lite, I assume you mean that the DS Lite does take GBA cartridges and the DSi dropped that support?
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    Yes. The DS Lite accepts GBA, and GB Color cartridges. The DSi does not.

    Another thing:

    The DSi has modern WiFi (read: Supports WPA2), and has access to the DSiWare store. The DS Lite does not (And only supports WPA).

    Personally, the DSi is awesome, but I'd wait for the 3DS :D
  • KoreishKoreish I'm a penguin, deal with it. KCMO Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    I want to know where the original brick DS is in all this? And I don't care that it's at the bottom because it was the first time it was tried, show me rankings dammit.
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited July 2010
    The original DS is the the same as the DS Lite only a little bigger and lacking the back lighting. I've still got my original DS and it plays all the current games fine and with my card I can very easily take all my games with me. I may upgrade with the 3DS comes out and they've got working cards for it so I can still keep all my games with me. Until then no point as I prefer portability over boosted graphics when it comes to a portable device.
  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    Still have my original DS. I do like the fact that i can play GBA games on it. Would be nice if they came up with a little port w/ cartridge adapter on newer models so I could still play Pokemon Red.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    Get an Acekard, find a ROM.
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    No one has addressed the other question I had, what great games are out there for the DS. I know thats a subjective question, but still, I have the feeling that the decision between Nintendo and gp2x is going to come down to whether or not the DS has any titles that make me say "oooh I gotta get the DS to play that "
  • KoreishKoreish I'm a penguin, deal with it. KCMO Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy re-releases, N+, Castlevania titles, Pokemon, Valkyrie Profile, Megaman anthologies, Brain Age titles, N+, Mario/Luigi RPGs, Elite Beats, Advanced Wars: Duel Strike, Mario Kart and Diddy Kong DS, more puzzle games then you can shake a stylus at, N+, Zelda titles

    Need I go on?

    Edit: I do actually

    Phoenix Wright series, Infinite Space, Children of Mana, Trauma Center, N+, The World Ends with You, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    There are so many fantastic DS titles
  • ObsidianObsidian Michigan Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    Koreish wrote:
    Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy re-releases, N+, Castlevania titles, Pokemon, Valkyrie Profile, Megaman anthologies, Brain Age titles, N+, Mario/Luigi RPGs, Elite Beats, Advanced Wars: Duel Strike, Mario Kart and Diddy Kong DS, more puzzle games then you can shake a stylus at, N+, Zelda titles

    Need I go on?

    Edit: I do actually

    Phoenix Wright series, Infinite Space, Children of Mana, Trauma Center, N+, The World Ends with You, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem
    I don't think you said N+ enough times. Might want to fix that just to be safe.
  • KoreishKoreish I'm a penguin, deal with it. KCMO Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    I don't think you understand how great a game it is :p
  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    Cake Mania

  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited August 2010
    So I've been stewing on this since this thread went dead. I finally popped into NewEgg to check prices on the DS and look at some games. Quick sort by rating and right at the top... the rerelase of Chrono Trigger. I'm surprised no one here mentioned that. That game is classic and brilliant and I never got a chance to play it all the way through. That game alone made me decide that to pick up a DSi. Now I just need to wait for the shipping to get it here.
  • SirCandleSirCandle New Haven
    edited August 2010
    If you like puzzley games, Puzzle Quest 1&2 (Not Galactrix) are both fantastic versions of bejeweled with RPG elements. I have spent more time with those two games than I care to even admit. Another great one is Picross 3D. That's what I've been playing at least!

    EDIT:About Chrono Trigger, I haven't played it but I hear from everyone I know who bought it that it is an excellent and extremely faithful port.
  • KoreishKoreish I'm a penguin, deal with it. KCMO Icrontian
    edited August 2010
    ardichoke wrote:
    So I've been stewing on this since this thread went dead. I finally popped into NewEgg to check prices on the DS and look at some games. Quick sort by rating and right at the top... the rerelase of Chrono Trigger. I'm surprised no one here mentioned that. That game is classic and brilliant and I never got a chance to play it all the way through. That game alone made me decide that to pick up a DSi. Now I just need to wait for the shipping to get it here.

    I mentioned Fire Emblem and that alone should have made your decision. :p
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited August 2010
    Yep... I ended up ordering a DSi with Chrono Triger, FFIV and Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story. I may be disappearing for a few weeks lol.
  • l3it3rl3it3r Fairfax County Member
    edited August 2010
    ouch.. I like the games, but I would have waited until spring time for this:

  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited August 2010
    Nah... I have no interest in 3D. 3D movies, 3D tv, 3D print, Magic Eye, all that stuff gives me headaches. I'm also not interested in paying the premium for the "latest greatest gadget". I just wanted something to carry with me and kill time when I don't want to read (which is rare).
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited August 2010
    It's a vastly more powerful DS, and the 3D can be turned off on any title. It was worth waiting for.
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited August 2010
    Who cares if it's vastly more powerful? Are DS games, which were built for the original DS hardware, going to somehow run better on a faster platform? Am I going to be able to crank up the resolution and graphics and turn on 4x anti-aliasing? NO!

    Also... you seem to have missed that part of my post where I said "I'm also not interested in paying the premium for the "latest greatest gadget". I just wanted something to carry with me and kill time when I don't want to read (which is rare)." Same reason I got the DSi and not the XL. I just don't see the value in shelling out the extra cash for something that I just pull out every now and then to kill time while I'm waiting for an oil change or something. If I didn't even want to pay the 20 bucks extra for an XL, why would I wait for months to shell out probably $50+ extra for a 3DS just to turn the 3D off.
  • l3it3rl3it3r Fairfax County Member
    edited August 2010
    fair 'nough. 3D doesn't effect me at all, I sat next to my wife in Avatar and loved every second. She said that she got a bit "motion sick" some times, but didn't get headaches (which I was expecting her to get), but I do know people who play games, and do other things with computers all the time, but can't look at a 3D display at all. Everyone reacts a bit differently.. I'm not sure that the 3DS will cause as MANY issues since the screen uses a different, glasses-free approach, but I can also appreciate not wanting to shell out for the latest and greatest.. I have a disease that prevents me from seeing the logic in that when presented with said latest and greatest, and I always come to regretting it a few months (sometimes weeks or days!!) later.
  • KoreishKoreish I'm a penguin, deal with it. KCMO Icrontian
    edited August 2010
    Speaking of Magic Eye that should be the first released game for the 3DS. I'd totally waste my money on it.
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