Power problem

edited July 2010 in Hardware
Hello all, i must say upfront i do know a bit about computers, but this one has me baffled, we're running three computers ( mine personally is the latest hardware\software, so its in great condition :D ), the problem is one of my fathers desktops. Friday just gone, it was working fine all day ( and half the night ), then come saturday morning it wouldn't boot, it seems dead, completely and utterly rooted. So we took the power supply in, got it tested, they said it was dead, so we bought a 2nd hand one for $5, threw it in, made no change what so ever, put the power sup', from the 3rd comp into it, and still nothing.....but the thing is ( other than still no power to the comp ) is the psu we got tested, in which we were told it was dead, well my father just put it into the 3rd comp, and to our surprise, it booted fine....so to end quickly here, we can't figure out what the heck is going on with the 2nd comp, no psu's seem to power it up now, but they work fine in the oldest comp. can anyone out there suggest anything ( personally the gear in my system well its pricey, and i'd rather not kill it by putting it into any other towers :shakehead )

Thanks in advance :rockon:


  • PirateNinjaPirateNinja Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    Welcome to Icrontic!

    It could be a number of things including dead cpu, dead motherboard, etc.

    My best suggestion is to:
    1. Remove every device not 100% necessary (USB devices, PCI or any interface add-on cards that aren't necessary, drives, etc.) Just a keyboard, a monitor, the cpu, memory, and gpu card if you don't have onboard.
    2. Check if it boots now with just the essentials
    3. If not I'd try reseting the BIOS with a jumper or battery pull, depends on the mobo (this probably won't fix it but it is worth a shot)
    4. Next if you are still down, reseat the case's power button switch cable. In fact reseat the system memory too just for the heck of it. Double triple check the PSU cables. Try again
    5. Still dead? Now were getting close to it being a dead cpu/mobo with more likelihood it being the mobo. Out of desperation try a different power plug or power strip in the house. You never know.
    6. Still dead? No beep code? No fan spinning up anywhere? Complete death? .. I'm out of ideas. Your mobo is probably thrashed. It happens
  • edited July 2010
    Thanks Gravite, shall give it a go, at the moment, it's onboard video, and with usb, the keyboard, mouse, modem, 2 printers are using usb ports, other than that month or sso ago i bought a pci usb port card for it as front usb is playing up, so will remove that, otherwise there's no extra cards or usb devices. for the moment am tossing up between cpu\mobo. as the psu's are all fine, memory is fine as it's not old, bought just back before xmas. so will try the jumpers, cables etc, then remove everything bar the essentials.

    p.s. congrats on the 10 years
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