0x0000007E error on windows boot
Hey im Having A Huge Problem, I Restarted My Computer it went to the windows xp loading screen flashed a blue screen for 1 sec and it restarted i tried going into safemode and that doesnt work just restarts, it happened 2 days ago, i tried everything the only success i had was disabling reset and it took me to the blue screen with the following message STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x8A922C21, 0xBACCEC44, 0xBACCE940). Computer is a Toshiba Satellite A210 - FS3 SYSTEM UNIT, Somebody please help
-Insufficient Hard Disk Space
-Borked Update
-Bad Driver
-Corrupt system file
There were a few others but they weren't relevant
Did you recently put SP3 on the toshiba?
Here is the Microsoft Article which outlines the probable cause of your 0x7E Error.
Use Method 2 To Fix it.
Good Luck!