Fix for Sony Viao Inverted Mouse Touch Pad Problem

RichDRichD Essex, UK
edited July 2010 in Hardware
Hello everyone,

There seems to be quite a common problem on many Sony Vaio laptop where the touch pad decides to invert itself so that up becomes down and left becomes right. This started happening on one of our laptops at work but it was only occasional and could usually be fixed by rebooting without the power cord attached. There are loads of threads on various forums which you can google and most point out updating drivers and deleting system files which are recreated on boot. However in most cases these only seem to be temporary fixes at best.

After a lot of googling and reading all five pages of on thread I eventually found a guy claiming that it was actually a hardware fault in the touchpad. If you are under warranty you should return it to Sony but if not it is actually very simple to fix.

Most of the Viao series use an aluminium palm rest and a capacitive touch pad and somewhere along the line the touch pad shorts out on the palm rest and causes the touch pad to invert. All you need to do to fix the issue is remove the palm rest and then un-mount the touchpad from the palm rest. You then need to use insulating tape around the edge of the gap where the touch pad sticks through the palm res and cut of the excess with a sharp knife. You then re-mount the touch pad on top of the tape which now prevents the short from occurring. Then simply put it all back together.

I was a bit sceptical about this but I had tried updating the driver and deleting config files and everything else software related so I gave this a go and it worked first time!

The Laptop is over three years old so this is quite an old problem but never the less there is very little information out there about how to solve it; hence my post.

Hope someone finds this useful.

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