REALLY like. Took in some watercooling requests and the ability to toggle the lighting? Both things I'm looking for in a case. That black one is straight sex.
Might have to move on, even if I really like my RV02. I'm keeping an eye on it.
What I don't get about the door is that if you have an awesome fan controller like NZXT's own Sentry LXE, it's hidden. Sad pandas
mod that bitch into the door, or the side panel, or the top panel, or whatever.
when I had my rogue,
the door was open 80% of the time due to Netflix DVDs in and out and my laziness to close it. but, I like the clean look of a door over a miss-colored DVD drive
Might have to move on, even if I really like my RV02. I'm keeping an eye on it.
now if it comes with a sexy female Ukrainian voice that tells me sweet nothings, well.
I mean, it sort of was my idea, so I'm just sayin a proper royalty in the form of a case in Radeon Red might be in order. ;*)
Yeah, but they knew it was a great idea when I said so, I'm just sayin
Roll with it dude!
OH dude, I am sorry.
or this
My favorite song
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How often are you putting disks in your computer? Really? I use a flash drive 100x more than i use a disk.
As long as the headphone, power button, and USB ports aren't stuck behind the door, I'm good.
mod that bitch into the door, or the side panel, or the top panel, or whatever.
when I had my rogue,
the door was open 80% of the time due to Netflix DVDs in and out and my laziness to close it. but, I like the clean look of a door over a miss-colored DVD drive