Want to move HD to another PC
Just curious if someone can help me. I had a HD crash and I have another HD that I want to move to the dead PC because it has a faster processor and more RAM. Before I do that, I would like to check that there is no malware on the old PC. Is that possible? It recently had a virus....the PC still acts up - takes you to a webpage you didn't ask for and opens a new browser at times.
Also would like to know the steps to move the HD to another PC. Is it just plug - n- play?
Also would like to know the steps to move the HD to another PC. Is it just plug - n- play?
That said, it is POSSIBLE to move the drive to new hardware but it is not a simple procedure. Unless it has the exact same drive controller model in it (which is doubtful) Windows will BSOD on boot. You would need to screw around with a bunch of stuff to get the correct drivers working at boot time in order to successfully transplant the drive. Since it already has some form of malware or virii on it, you would be far better off to back up your data, transplant the hardware, then format and reinstall.
On to the reformat - do I do that before I remove it or after? What is the best & easiest way to reformat? By reinstalling - i assume you mean the OS? I have that:)
I am only going to back up files (documents & pictures). Move the old HD to the newer PC and install a new OS. When I install the new OS, it will ask me if I want to do a full reformat - I will say YES. Is that right or am I missing something? I just don't want the virus to follow me.
I will plan on reinstalling any software from the original CD/DVD as needed.
This is correct.