Rally to Restore Sanity / March to Keep Fear Alive
So, it appears I will be coming to Washington DC for this rally of epic proportions. We have the cost down to 200/person for the whole trip, but I know there are some Icrontians in the DC area. I was wondering if anyone up there would be willing to put up a few (4) moderately responsible 20-somethings for a couple nights to drop the price of the trip some more. I'm sure we could cook you a meal or two and wash the sheets, mow the lawn or something. If this sounds doable, give me some confirmation and we can get details going.
Obviously, this is a counter to the utterly boring Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally, and in that context, it should be hilarious. It all goes down 10/30 (so we would need to stay 10/29 and 10/30 nights most likely)
Obviously, this is a counter to the utterly boring Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally, and in that context, it should be hilarious. It all goes down 10/30 (so we would need to stay 10/29 and 10/30 nights most likely)
I was actually considering making the 10 hour drive to DC Friday night then just driving back after. Going the coffee, coffee, coffee route of survival. Or maybe conning the girlfriend into driving/sleeping in shifts. Dunno if I'll actually be able to do it though.
Yeah we are leaving Thursday night, getting there Friday afternoon/evening, leaving Sunday night. Trying to do some sightseeing on Sunday since neither my roommate nor I have been to DC.
Yeah, "it is time for all good men to freak out for freedom!" I also want to be there to keep fear alive.
No cherry picking, pick your party or GTFO.