Icrontic and Tech News
Not sure if this is the best place to post this so feel free to move it if you feel the need.
I have a comment/question in regards to Icrontic's Tech section of the website. I haven't been around all that long, say coming up to 2 years now and I definitely haven't been posting a lot since the change of the layout of Icrontic. So take my inquiry as you may but to me it seems like there are fewer tech articles being written and a the one's that are seem eerily focused on a certain subject area. (Lots of articles focusing on graphic design and rendering.) I understand it may be a slower season in terms of tech but I constantly find myself drifting over to other sites for tech news unfortunately. I'm just wondering what's up or if Icrontic is moving away from a geeky focus to be more 'overall' games, life, etc.
I hope I have made some sense and regardless, always a pleasure to read what articles are there under the Tech section.
Cheers, Liam.
I have a comment/question in regards to Icrontic's Tech section of the website. I haven't been around all that long, say coming up to 2 years now and I definitely haven't been posting a lot since the change of the layout of Icrontic. So take my inquiry as you may but to me it seems like there are fewer tech articles being written and a the one's that are seem eerily focused on a certain subject area. (Lots of articles focusing on graphic design and rendering.) I understand it may be a slower season in terms of tech but I constantly find myself drifting over to other sites for tech news unfortunately. I'm just wondering what's up or if Icrontic is moving away from a geeky focus to be more 'overall' games, life, etc.
I hope I have made some sense and regardless, always a pleasure to read what articles are there under the Tech section.
Cheers, Liam.
Rob wrote the bulk of our tech stuff. We have yet to replace him. I'm not a tech writer or enthusiast, and real life has hit Icrontic very hard recently. Rob and Bobby (UPSLynx) are gone (both to AMD), Nick and CB are consumed with work, and we just don't have the resources or manpower to staff a tech news desk anymore.
Nothing more complicated than that.