Converting .TS to Mpeg

RichDRichD Essex, UK
edited October 2010 in Internet & Media
Hi there,

I have a Humax Foxsat HDR which I can use to record stuff of TV. It will let my connect an external disk so I am confident that I can get the video files of the box and I believe they are saved in .TS format. Therefore I would like to be able copy these files to my PC and convert them to a format that I can either burn them to DVD or stream back to TV via HTPC.

Will the TS files contain both the video and audio? and can anyone make any recomendations as to how this can be done please?

I have a lot of stuff that I record but then have to delete because the disk is then full. I suppose an alternative is to get a massive external HD and leave it plugged in to the HDR.




  • mertesnmertesn I am Bobby Miller Yukon, OK Icrontian
    edited October 2010
    RichD wrote:
    Will the TS files contain both the video and audio? and can anyone make any recomendations as to how this can be done please?
    Yes. The .ts file is the container for both audio and video. I use Handbrake to do video transcoding. Use the latest nightly build for best results.
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