I did the 3 tests (Memory86), SeaTools and Hard Drive Fitness and
all three came up with no errors, etc.
I have not tested the powersupply but I have the multimeter needed.
I never know what to do when I boot into Safe Mode.
I don't know what drivers need to be updated nor what other
things to try. One bsod indicated that a file ntdll.dll was faulty but
I'm afraid to do anything with it.
Spider Solitaire had to shut down as well as IE8 but I don't know how to diagnose this situation.
PS I haven't been getting as many bsods today. Don't know why.
all three came up with no errors, etc.
I have not tested the powersupply but I have the multimeter needed.
I never know what to do when I boot into Safe Mode.
I don't know what drivers need to be updated nor what other
things to try. One bsod indicated that a file ntdll.dll was faulty but
I'm afraid to do anything with it.
Spider Solitaire had to shut down as well as IE8 but I don't know how to diagnose this situation.
PS I haven't been getting as many bsods today. Don't know why.
In the meantime, I installed a few more updates and I cannot tell if these updates have any files that eliminate the bsod problem.
I'm frustrated that I have spent so much time on this problem and not knowing much about it. Your website did explain things in a clear manner and I learned a lot about the proper way of diagnosing the bsod and I'm more hopeful now that I have enough skill to get this thing solved.
If all else fails, I have another drive with XP on it and it will only take me
2 seconds to get rid of window 7 forever.
Thanks for any info.
on cpu and tower case is open with cpu fan at 2200 rpm so I don't think temp is the problem. I leave computer on all night and no bsod.
I would still like to find out what caused the bsod in windows 7. Our tech guy installed windows 7 on six emachines and they have never crashed not even once. So what is the most likely culprit on my AMD PRO sempron 3000 goal 3 computer with 1GB RAM, 80GB hard drive. Please tell me what I could do to isolate the bsod culprit. Thank you.
I just ran prime95 and got the results shown below. I don't know what these
results mean but I saw something about (hardware failure). I am planning to substiture two 500 mB ram chips to see what happens. Will let you know.
Thanks for your comments. I never tried to overclock anything (not that advanced). I'm on xp right now but i can still do all these tests.
[Oct 12 16:23] Worker starting
[Oct 12 16:23] Beginning a continuous self-test to check your computer.
[Oct 12 16:23] Please read stress.txt. Choose Test/Stop to end this test.
[Oct 12 16:23] Test 1, 9000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M8716289 using AMD K8 type-2 FFT length 448K, Pass1=448, Pass2=1K.
[Oct 12 16:24] FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4
[Oct 12 16:24] Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Oct 12 16:24] Torture Test completed 0 tests in 1 minutes - 1 errors, 0 warnings.
[Oct 12 16:24] Worker stopped.
[Oct 12 16:28] Worker starting
[Oct 12 16:28] Beginning a continuous self-test to check your computer.
[Oct 12 16:28] Please read stress.txt. Choose Test/Stop to end this test.
[Oct 12 16:28] Test 1, 9000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M8716289 using AMD K8 type-2 FFT length 448K, Pass1=448, Pass2=1K.
[Oct 12 16:28] FATAL ERROR: Resulting sum was -1.622051780879787e+017, expected: 9362143587992216
[Oct 12 16:28] Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
[Oct 12 16:28] Torture Test completed 0 tests in 0 minutes - 1 errors, 0 warnings.
[Oct 12 16:28] Worker stopped.
windows xp runs without any problems. It's only windows 7 that caused me all this grief. I will try to increase cpu voltage if possible. I have reset bios
to default if that's what you mean. I would have tried a bios flash if that was available but I wouldn't know where to find such a thing that i would trust.
SiS761GX Northbridge chipset ATA133 Palit 8400GS 512 PCI-E video card (just
bought). No yellow exclamation marks in device manager.
If you need further help, get CPUZ, unpack into a folder and run. Please post screenshots of CPU, Mainboard, and Memory tabs where the relevant information are shown.
I hope this link shows the results of the cpu test
Thank you so much for all your information. If nothing else I'm gaining a lot of knowledge.
Since I have a Vista machine and this sempron is just my backup computer, I'll just plod along and down the road I might pick up a used windows 7 machine which hopefully never had one bsod.
But I do thank you for all the comments and suggestions. I found your website to be more understandable than many that I have stumbled onto.
Perhaps my Kingston KVR 333/512 DDR mem (2 of them) isn't fast enough to run windows 7. If there are minimum mobo requirements to run windows 7 maybe my mobo just isn't up to snuff. Not to worry. We gave it the old college try. Thanks again