Windows XP XP SP2 Install Halts On IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
So yes XP Sp2 will not install due to error "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL". But Fedora and OpenSUSE install just fine.
Tested all peripheral on another system and XP install completes
Here the summary:
MemoryTest86 completed passed 7 time in 2 hours all is good
Test 2 AGP cards and 1 PCI VGA
3 Hard Drives 200g, 80g and 8g XP install fails
:bigggrin: Mother Board is a ASRock ULi M1695 939Dual-SATA2 with 2.30 BIOS that was re-flash after having an issue.
:shakehead Tried XP install with almost everything disable in bios and still fails
AMD Processor runs from 85F to 102F, this is with in tolerance.
So I Am Open To Thoughts and Ideas. Everything is pointing to motherboard. But blame could also go to windows.
Tested all peripheral on another system and XP install completes
Here the summary:
MemoryTest86 completed passed 7 time in 2 hours all is good
Test 2 AGP cards and 1 PCI VGA
3 Hard Drives 200g, 80g and 8g XP install fails
:bigggrin: Mother Board is a ASRock ULi M1695 939Dual-SATA2 with 2.30 BIOS that was re-flash after having an issue.
:shakehead Tried XP install with almost everything disable in bios and still fails
AMD Processor runs from 85F to 102F, this is with in tolerance.
So I Am Open To Thoughts and Ideas. Everything is pointing to motherboard. But blame could also go to windows.