Help with gridsearch
Hi guys, Ihave some problems with my matlab code, hope that someone can help me out. Any suggestion would be precious!
here's what i'm doing: I wrote a script that should help me discriminating two signals,
at the end of the script I have a score, which is an entropic score: i suppose that signals
with a regular behaviour (e.g. similar to sinusoids) have a lower entropy, while signal with
a lot of disorder have a larger entropy instead. By the way, I store this entropic score
into b2 (score = b2(k,l,m,p);), a 4-d matrix, and this score depends on 3 parameters, which are
l, m and p. K is the number of examples i have in the dataset.
Now, i have to discriminate between the two signals. Running a gridsearch, i search for the best
combination of l,m and p that helps me having high scores for messed-up signals and low ones for
"ordered" signals.
I've tried many times, also maximizing variables like matthew's correlation, F1, F1+F0 etc..
It seems i have a limit in some way. I can't obtain good results.
Anything to suggest or errors you notice in my code?
Your help would be really appreciated, here's the code (hope i've posted it correctly):
here's what i'm doing: I wrote a script that should help me discriminating two signals,
at the end of the script I have a score, which is an entropic score: i suppose that signals
with a regular behaviour (e.g. similar to sinusoids) have a lower entropy, while signal with
a lot of disorder have a larger entropy instead. By the way, I store this entropic score
into b2 (score = b2(k,l,m,p);), a 4-d matrix, and this score depends on 3 parameters, which are
l, m and p. K is the number of examples i have in the dataset.
Now, i have to discriminate between the two signals. Running a gridsearch, i search for the best
combination of l,m and p that helps me having high scores for messed-up signals and low ones for
"ordered" signals.
I've tried many times, also maximizing variables like matthew's correlation, F1, F1+F0 etc..
It seems i have a limit in some way. I can't obtain good results.
Anything to suggest or errors you notice in my code?
Your help would be really appreciated, here's the code (hope i've posted it correctly):
start_dec = min(min(min(min(b2)))); dec_step = 0.01; max_dec = 1; for p=round(start_alpha/step_alpha):round(max_alpha/step_alpha) for m=round(start_delta/step_delta):round(start_alpha/step_alpha) for l=round(start_kern/step_kern):round(start_kern/step_kern) for dec=start_dec:dec_step:max_dec tp=0; fp=0; tn=0; fn=0; predicted_pos = 0; predicted_neg = 0; f0 = 0; f1 = 0; p0 = 0; p1 = 0; r0 = 0; r1 = 0; for k=1:1:llist score = b2(k,l,m,p); if score > dec predicted_neg=predicted_neg+1; if TrainingStatus(k)==0; tn=tn+1; else fn=fn+1; end else predicted_pos=predicted_pos+1; if TrainingStatus(k)==1; tp=tp+1; else fp=fp+1; end end end if predicted_neg > 0 p0 = tn./predicted_neg; else p0=0; end if predicted_pos > 0 p1 = tp./predicted_pos; else p1=0; end r1 = tp/total_positives(1,1); r0 = tn/total_negatives(1,1); if (p0+r0) > 0 f0 = 2*p0*r0./(p0+r0); else f0 = 0; end if (p1+r1) > 0 f1 = 2*p1*r1./(p1+r1); else f1 = 0; end matthws = (tp*tn-fp*fn)./sqrt((tp+fp)*(tp+fn)*(tn+fp)*(tn+fn)); correct = f1; if correct(1,1) > max_correct max_correct = correct; best_kernel = l; best_alpha = p; best_delta = m; best_dec = dec; best_tp = tp; best_fp = fp; best_fn = fn; best_tn = tn; best_matth = matthws; best_p0 = best_tn./predicted_neg; best_p1 = best_tp./predicted_pos; best_r0 = best_tp/total_positives(1,1); best_r1 = best_tn/total_negatives(1,1); best_f0 = 2.0*best_p0*best_r0/(best_p0+best_r0); best_f1 = 2.0*best_p1*best_r1/(best_p1+best_r1); end end end end end </code></code><code style="white-space: nowrap;"><code></code></code>