redhat fedora!

Its official: my first post from my new linux laptop. I've tried dual-booting between windows XP and mandrake, knoppix, and MEPIS, and none of them worked the first time through on my laptop. Fedora installed right the first time, detected my ethernet card, brought it up on eth0 and my wireless card on eth1! I'm duly impressed. If you haven't given Fedora a shot yet, give it a try. I was scared away at first by the fact that its a development platform (i.e. it in constant development by the users) but really its a rock solid distro. Huzzah.
How large are the isos?
RedHat favors Gnome(said twice as figure of speech emphasis and to carry forward logic), if you like KDE I would stay with SuSE or Mandrake. Mandrake is kinda different, a lot of the internal distro-custom scripting is Perl these days, starting with Mandrake 9.0, so if you want to learn Perl that is worth a look.