My email is not updating?
Hello powers that be. I updated my email address on the site a while back but still continue to receive emails to my old address. Is there somewhere else I should be changing the address? (changed in My Account -> Email & Password)
If it helps the old address is a hotmail address and the new one is a koxl d0t com address.
If it helps the old address is a hotmail address and the new one is a koxl d0t com address.
As of 01/11/11 Some of my emails are still going to the Hotmail address as apposed to the address it should be. This includes the Newsrag sent on 12/05/10 and the Slappa email Prime sent 01/11/11.
Oddly enough, My Happy Birthday on 12/11/10 and New PM messages are going to the correct address.
Thanks for any looking into it,