Blue Screen Startup (Iastor related)
I came home from work today to find a blue screen on my computer. After restarted, while loading up, it displays the blue screen again. I can't get past the Windows XP load screen. Even using the load up menu (Safe mode, etc), they all lead to the blue screen. It has at the top DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and then at the bottom IASTOR.SYS.
I googled simply "Blue Screen iastor" and most links desribe the same problem I'm having, but no real solutions. One link recommended going into the boot menu and switch the SATA operation from ACHI to ATA. Doing that, i got a new blue screen with the error UNMOUNTABLE BOOT VOLUME.
..Help? Anyone?
My specs from what I know
Intel Pentium Duel Core
Windows XP
I came home from work today to find a blue screen on my computer. After restarted, while loading up, it displays the blue screen again. I can't get past the Windows XP load screen. Even using the load up menu (Safe mode, etc), they all lead to the blue screen. It has at the top DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and then at the bottom IASTOR.SYS.
I googled simply "Blue Screen iastor" and most links desribe the same problem I'm having, but no real solutions. One link recommended going into the boot menu and switch the SATA operation from ACHI to ATA. Doing that, i got a new blue screen with the error UNMOUNTABLE BOOT VOLUME.
..Help? Anyone?
My specs from what I know
Intel Pentium Duel Core
Windows XP
well...from most of the articles I read about this, supposely this "iastor" error is something related to Dell computers, and Dell has created an update for it...but the problem is now getting TO that update, as I can't get past the BSOD, which is what I'm trying to get past and, alass, no solutions. the only thing ive seen people recommend was getting my harddrive out and getting any files i want to keep of it, and just completely wiping the drive, which of course i'm trying to make this as a last resort. but heck, i dont even know if this can be done without getting past the BSOD!
You should read this article to understand why the error you're seeing isn't necessarily accurate or informative.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Whats next?
yeah, can't boot, BSOD with whichever option i choose. i'm having a bad feeling about this...i did some searching on my own and here's more info:
i figured out how to run the CD's (F12..doh!) so I tried that. First, I ran my Diagnostics CD that came with the comp. After running it (it scans EVERYTHING, from mouse test, to video, CD drives, etc.) everything passed except for a few things, which gave me the error code:
Msg: Block 97286: Uncorrectable data error or media write is protected.
I googled the 650F 0244 and the answers i found were not good I tried one more thing and ran the Recovery disk and followed the Dell Online Support steps. after running it, i ran the CHKDSK and it only got to 25%, with the response "One or more unrecoverable problems". The next step Dell had was Backing Up and reformatting the drive, which of course I'm trying to make a last resort.
Am I screwed?
so lets assume the HDD is bad, and you're saying reformatting it is a waste, as it's inevitable to happen again. i've went through abouot 5 computers in my lifetime and have never had any expereience with a bad HDD. what route do you recommend going? buying a new HDD or a new computer all together? the computer is only maybe 4 years old. if i were to get a new HDD, is there still an equal chance of it going bad too, or are these kinda just "freak accidents"? is there any common cause to HDD's going bad?
Like cars, toasters, refrigerators or any other device with complicated parts, sometimes hard drives just go bad. Is there a root cause? Meh, nothing with sufficient statistical significance to talk about it.
Im assuming i installed this thing wrong, just plug it in and there no way to recover my data?
EDIT Oh, and HD still saying "Must format now..."
You need to be prepared for the fact that this drive may have one or more mechanical issues that have permanently destroyed some or all of your data. Or, at the very least, the issues have rendered your data inaccessible through conventional means.
Here is how it is done.
I used the Recuva program, and tried searching for picture files. It DID find a lot of pictures, but they were like internet pictures all from an IE Content file mainly. Does this program only look for stuff thats been DELETED? Thats how the wording of the program sounds....which of course, i didnt delete any of my picture files.
Cliff, ill try that suggestion next!
Let it scan the whole drive.
I can't help but wonder it looks like all my files are good (songs, videos, pics...all are showing up), but I can't access the drive? So I guess I just need to toss this when I'm done and still purchase a new HDD?