Need Help on Braille character recognition!!
Hai is there any1 to help me with the braille character recognition.. i need to convert the braille characters into normal text by using matlab!!!
Its my final year project i really need a help because i dont even know how to start it... PLS help me with the source code!!!
Its my final year project i really need a help because i dont even know how to start it... PLS help me with the source code!!!
Alright actually i need to an array with 3x2 matrix representations of the dots.. to represent the letter numbers and punctuations.. How to start it?
I adviced to use either region probs or BW label & centroid,locations to get the coordination of the areas..
i'm a student of electronic and telecommunication departement at danang university in vietnam.
i'm carried out final project to graduate at university : convert braille to text(english).i'm interesting for your project.
i having difficult to converting braille to text(english) by using matlab.
Can you help me for source code,please?
thanks you very much.