TV on PC/projector
We're going to watch the Super Bowl with a large group of people in a place where there is no cable/satelite. We have a projector and 2 laptops with internet, one with Windows 7 and one with Windows XP. What's the best/cheapest way to get live streaming tv on a laptop/projector. I've read in several places about satellite tv to pc, and have contemplated getting a tv tuner card for the laptop. Any suggestions?
I have no experience with USB tuners. That said, Hauppauge makes some great PCIe tuners. Perhaps that brand would be a good starting point. Most tuners also come with TV software although I understand that Windows 7's Media Center is good as well for the same purpose.
A directional antenna is the other thing you'll need. Use the AntennaWeb site to determine the best facing for your antenna.
A projector really comes down to preferences and budget. I'd recommend going to a local store to try them out first.