Wolfenstein Problems
Heres the deal. I downloaded Enemy Territory and holy sh*t, theres an option for 2048x1536...where do I sign up!!! . So I select it and it does everything as if it is resetting video settings and I get an error. I know my monitor can support the resolution and I know my open gl settings can support it. I have the Catalyst 10 drivers installed, so I doubt I need updated drivers. Any thoughts fellas?
Also ...you may hunt around at www.opengl.org for a fix or emulator.
I could be dead wrong as I usually am! LOL
2. try copying the opengl dll's into the game directory and remove the 3dfxvgl file from the game folder...
post back..
But the game play is the greatest ever for a free FPS... I love the game... I play on Earthquakegaming servers 1 2 or 3 which ever is open.. I go by Name and its blue and black or Green and black.
Ill fiddle around with the dll switching thing. Where would I get the dll to replace the old ones?
It's not that at all.
3DFX had their own layer for talking to OpenGL and programs checked to see if cards are 3DFX so they can use 3DFXs layer to improve performance. Most games either check or ask you yourself (Half-Life and BG2 both have options "Default OGL" or "3DFX OGL").
The error is clearly stated on the screen.
OpenGL doesn't support that screen res. End of story.
And it appears that csimon can.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
OpenGL won't work because something doesn't support it.
however ...I am running 2048x1240 (not 2048x1536) which is my native res on this monitor ...also using XGL900 OpenGL card. My monitor and card at home support this res the monitor is really old so I tune down a little.