NEED HELP moving dell xp pro install to new hardware

On a time crunch at work with this one. Client is blind so his computer is all specially configured for him. the old system was a dell dim. 5100 with a blown mobo. An exact replacement would have been more expensive than a rebuild so i figured id just migrate over the install by doing a repair install. no dice. system starts to boot and i get a 0x7e bsod. no related file or device is listed. the repair install started out just fine. but i still got the bsod after the first reboot before it boots from the hard drive to continue setup. then i restored the registry using a utility on the ubcd4windows disk so i could use safe mode again. i can boot into safe mode just fine, where i got all the drivers installed, but the event viewer isnt of much help either. just "a device attached to the system is not functioning" errors on several network related services. any thoughts or suggestions would be great. thanks so much!
oh, the new hardware by the way is an AMD athlon II x4 on a cheap biostar mobo with an nvidia chipset. ddr-3 ram. nothing crazy.
oh, the new hardware by the way is an AMD athlon II x4 on a cheap biostar mobo with an nvidia chipset. ddr-3 ram. nothing crazy.
Then you probably need to manually install the network card and video drivers.
reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Intelppm /v Start /d 4 /t REG_DWORD
run that from the command prompt in safe mode.
basically disable the intelppm driver in the registry. problem solved.