Error loading operating system
We have an hp. It would not load windows so I reformatted the hard drive. When I tried to install windows xp, it started freezing on the blue screen, now it wont do any thing other than produce an error, "Error loading operating system" as soon as I turn it on. This happens with or with out the windows xp cd. I can get to the the "BIOS Setup Utility.
Here is an excellent guide on using memtest...
Burn yourself a copy and run it on that HP...
If memory checks out good then I'd suspect the Hard Drive next.
Is there a way for me to boot up the machine to dos while I am getting this error?
This sounds like a possible bad DVD drive in the laptop. Without another DVD drive to change it with there is not much you can do.
You could possibly try and USB external DVD drive but I am not sure if that notebook will boot from USB.
You could also try a LIVECD version of linux. Download and burn a copy of Ubuntu from
If the LIVECD boots up and works fine then the DVD drive might be ok, if it does not then you have either board problems or DVD drive problems.
I have been able to load Spotmau using the DVD drive. I also used the DVD drive to do the memtest. I found and old Windows 98 boot disk. I am hoping this helps.
Thanks much for your time. I will update you if this works. If it doesnt work, I'll be back.....
other info: It says "Please wait while Setup formats the partition C: Partition1 [New <Raw>] 73321 MB <73320 MB free> on 76317 MB Disk 0 at Id 0 on bus 0 on atapi [MBR].