Need help uninstalling IE from XP
Hi. I have Windows XP Home Edition. I would like to completely uninstall Internet Explorer from this computer (my aim is to prevent any internet access on this machine). Right now I have IE 8, as well as Service Pack 3. I read online that I need to uninstall SP3 prior to uninstalling IE 8 (apparently since I installed IE 8 prior to SP3). I also read that once I uninstall IE 8, it will revert to IE 7. But I want to be COMPLETELY rid of Internet Explorer on my machine. Can somebody please tell me how to do this? Right now my thinking is that I would need to do the following sequence:
1. Uninstall SP3
2. Uninstall IE 8
3. Uninstall IE 7
4. If I end up with IE 6 after uninstalling IE 7, then my next step would be to delete IE 6. However, I read online that deleting IE 6 can be tough.
I would appreciate anyone's insight and help, thanks...
1. Uninstall SP3
2. Uninstall IE 8
3. Uninstall IE 7
4. If I end up with IE 6 after uninstalling IE 7, then my next step would be to delete IE 6. However, I read online that deleting IE 6 can be tough.
I would appreciate anyone's insight and help, thanks...
If you want to block Internet access, use group policy to block WAN traffic.
If you need other network access (like to a "server" on your network) then block internet access for the PC's IP address in the router.
If you are just trying to stop the internet but still expect to be able to get email, netflix and play WoW on it. That's an entirely different situation.
But one solution is to go into IE into the tools>Internet Options>Connections>Lan settings and set the proxy to send all traffic to
Then you need to lock down the ability to change that setting. exactly do I do this? If I did it this way, I would invent a password that I would never remember, use it to "lock" the BIOS..then even I would never be able to change my understanding correct? And is this method better than going into the LAN settings for my purposes?
Thanks everyone...I think I know what I need to do now. I think uninstalling the drivers for now will suffice for my needs. Thanks again..this was important, my life depended on it. Thanks again