Update 1.5 Discussion
Weather coming
Maybe Different Saplings:
Pistons confirmed but won't be in 1.5
SourceNotch wrote:Adding rain and snow to 1.5.
SourceI'm getting so carried away with this weather.. Adding thunder now.
SourceOk, so it doesn't look GREAT on the border of two biomes.. http://i.imgur.com/UVNCC.jpg
Maybe Different Saplings:
SourceJens wrote:Heads-up to texture packers: Slot (15, 3) is now spruce sapling and slot (15, 4) is birch sapling (counting coords from 0)
Pistons confirmed but won't be in 1.5
SourcePiston mod status: 1) I'm in contact with Hippoplatimus. 2) Yes, we want to alter the feature slightly. 3) Not in beta 1.5.
# You can't see sun/moon/stars while it's raining, and days are one level darker. about 2 hours ago via web in reply to TheFedora
# Higher odds of catching fish while raining.. Good one. I'll try making it fill small holes with water, but it might be annoying.. brb about 2 hours ago via web
# I'm not making it solidify lava, as that would ruin all surface lava structures when the first rain hits. But it does put out fires. about 2 hours ago via web
# Wolves get wet in the rain. Crops will get watered. Anything else it should affect?
Notch is on a roll this morning, just go read his tweet stream: http://twitter.com/notch
Here is a video that combines the concept of auto harvest with a workable on/off for the water without using any mods.
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Y226Lr7m5L8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Once the seed drop is implemented I will totally be making a huge one of these.
Yup, The quote above is an excerpt of that announcement, I posted the who thing here
I'll differ with this.
Though, it's going to be a lot of work to convert all of the rail systems to use booster tracks over the current glitch boosters.
ah, isnt it fun to balance features and bugfixes
Flight is just movement without physics telling you that you have to have solid ground under you. Technically, any game you can move in could have flight if you take out the code that implements "gravity".
(including me, I accept this)
Apparently he tweeted that you'll get 2 for crafting now. Compromise. My guess is it was required for some sort of fix.