If you have just purchased a CS5 (as I did this month), you might be eligible for a complimentary upgrade to CS5.5. There is a support page that explains eligibility.
How much can they really charge for this software? I mean, the updates from CS4 to CS5 were minor and no where near lucrative as a purchase. People who stuck with CS5 for products such as Illustrator and Photoshop will only miss out on high quality AA, which really seems to be the most important feature here. It doesn't take a year to make content aware scaling or puppet warping, and certainly perspective grids aren't anything too new, or at least worth the money it costs to purchase CS5. If they want to open their audience up so people are actually buying the Creative Suite instead of just pirating Photoshop, they could price it at something decent like $200. I'm glad I'm a student and got the CS5 design suite for free bundled in a launchbox; otherwise, I would have spent upwards of $1500.
It doesn't take a year to make content aware scaling or puppet warping, and certainly perspective grids aren't anything too new, or at least worth the money it costs to purchase CS5.
Try writing software sometime. Then re-approach this argument.:)
There is if you register with the community!