Hard disk problems HELP....
My first post here.
I have 2 2.5inch HHD both with data, music and most importanly wedding photos and holiday snaps..
I have a Toshiba MK2016GAP
and the other is a Hitachi DK23EA-40
I am at a loss what I should do, have tried using a new external box with circuitboard no result.
My computer is a Toshiba Dynabook G9, it`s new running win xp mce..
I have 2 2.5inch HHD both with data, music and most importanly wedding photos and holiday snaps..
I have a Toshiba MK2016GAP
and the other is a Hitachi DK23EA-40
I am at a loss what I should do, have tried using a new external box with circuitboard no result.
My computer is a Toshiba Dynabook G9, it`s new running win xp mce..
First, could you clarify as to what your problem actually is? I couldn't get that from the post. Which of those drives is the boot drive? Does the computer boot?
Second, what do you mean by a "new external box with circuitboard"? I have no idea what you're talking about there.
We'll be able to help if you clarify a bit
the Toshiba hdd came from my old laptop, it just stopped working so I replaced it.
the hitachi hdd came out of an external hdd so I just bought a new external box containing a new circuitboard.
When I connect either of the two hdd to the computer via USB the computer cannot find them.
I'm not very computer savvy.
Do you have access to another computer with a USB2 port? (I'm pretty sure your external enclosure would be USB2, as USB1 is way too slow for hard drives). Try plugging it in to a friend's or associate's computer with a USB2 port to see if it mounts. It should just make a "ba-DING" sound and if you go into "My Computer" you should see additional drive letters that should be your drives with your data on them.
BTW: I've never heard of an enclosure with 2.5" HDs. Are you sure they're not 3.5" (normal sized) hard drives? Are they specifically mobile hard drives?
media edition is win xp with media etc, personally I have not used it yet.
the 2.5 boxes are use for mobile use it does have a power supply.. the boxes are 2.5 inch....
You need to be a bit clearer again The more info you can give me, what you've done and tried, what worked, etc., the better.
From what I can gather: You have an external HD which will not mount on your Windows XP MCE box and you have important data on that drive that you want to get at, correct?
We put the Toshiba HDD into my friends laptop because it has win xp home editions and was bootable at the time it stopped working.
the Hitachi came out of a portable HHD unit made by IO Data, this suddenly became unaccesable so I the HHD out and bought a new box with a new circuitboard but no luck. Both disks I can hear spinning.
This is a far as I have got, I dont know what else I can do...
is it possible that the circuitboard inside the actual hhd unit is damaged???
Also, is your friend's box an XP box and does it RUN USB2??? Plug a USB2 external HD into a box with an internal USB1 connector, the external HDmight not be found. Plug into hub, might not be found. Plug right into USB2 connector on a USB2 box, SHOULD be found. Many boxes have some USB1 ports, only a couple USB2 ports. Plug HD external box into a USB2 box with USB2 cable and then burn to CD what you need as far as pics, etc. Yes, is possible HD controller board is bad. Not good thing if so, but possible.
If brand new laptop, contact Toshiba tech support also, see if they can help here. If Toshiba has bad battery in it, might not access HD right but HD might be good.
On your friend's box, likely that if you hook external HD up, drive letter could be F or G as Prime said in simpler way (will NOT be drive C and you will be working in your firned's XP Home and getting data copied off your HD and not working in XP MCE).
John D.
John D.