Post your Shepards
=/= smalltime Icrontian
Because Mass Effect 3 details have been released and people were discussing whether to have a male or female Shepard I was curious as to what everyone's look like and what class you all choose. Protip - if you didn't pick Infiltrator you did it wrong.
You misspelled "sentinel."
Let me brag for a second: just beat ME2 today on my first playthrough on insanity with full squad survival. I'm a little proud of myself right now.
And now I want to play through again.
Creation Code:
HOLY CRAP! Did anyone else know that a sleepy Clint Shepard made it to this year's Expo!?!
But due to a hard drive failure, I lost my completed game save states ( I think.) I have save files, but ME3 won't accept them, and when re-loading, they're like half-way through the game. I have no clue what happened.
So I used or whatever it is, found an exact replica of my two game playthrough, and loaded it into ME3. I am now playing with default shep.
You better be going renegade.
And no. See my paragon score already? Vanessa's a good girl.
Anyway, my Salvadorian Drug Lord:
(the CC code is just a baseline, feel feel to use if you want)