how to check how long windows has run
Chesterfield, Va
how do i check how long my windows box has been running
link above for utility... or just open a command window and type "net statistics workstation" and the first line will give you the time you first started up ....
Thats an interesting little tip that is.
The command "net statistics workstation" said that I have had 24 failed operations during my uptime.
I looked in the event viewer and didnt see them. Any other ideas as to what or where these are, or if they are anything to be concerend with.
The event viewer logs mostly what you ask it to(customizable). Look in the system messages log in the management console (right click My Computer in Start Menu if you have not made a live My Computer icon on desktop, which I have and I just right-click that(HOW??? Hover mouse over My Computer line, press and hold CTRL and left mouse button, drag to desktop, release both to drop), choose Manage). You are in right pew, logs, wrong log as they could be app startup failures or hung and killed apps.
awesome little app. love it!