BobbyDigi wrote: I plan to buy it tonight. 10pm here I am usually free so if you don't mind me learning as we go, I'm down for some play.
NiGHTS wrote: Was thinking of picking it up, especially if more west-coasters have it too... Which 4-pack did you get? W/ or w/o DLC? How much would it be?
when you wanna play?
(jokke, i think you are like sleeping during us American's normal gaming hours?)
what nights? otherwise sounds good
edit, you said 10pm YOUR time. that's like past my bedtime....
Which 4-pack did you get? W/ or w/o DLC? How much would it be?
It's the GOY with all dlc. I am giving it away for free if anybody wants it. Sunk cost.
Giving it to Digi, and the first two who find me on steam and ask me for it. Search: Hammer Cock
Edit: All copies claimed. Fun contest over.
and West: