If I were there, nothing would stop me from getting my fifteen seconds with Mark Hamill. And if you do, pretend only to be interested in his Joker voice work, and don't mention that other role. Seriously, you, an Icrontic T-shirt and Mark Hamill must make it into the same photograph. It's the right thing to do.
Seriously though, I think a trick is to find something a little off the beaten path, something largely ignored that is interesting to you. You will get a little time and appreciation from someone who is not the absolute center of attention and maybe get something really great to write about. If its interesting to you, my bet is it will make for a great article.
If I were there, nothing would stop me from getting my fifteen seconds with Mark Hamill. And if you do, pretend only to be interested in his Joker voice work, and don't mention that other role.
Stop by Topatoco if you read any of their comics, and get a sketch done by Jeph. Or hug him and get a picture before he freaks out and goes hulk on you. Either way, +rep.
Seriously though, I think a trick is to find something a little off the beaten path, something largely ignored that is interesting to you. You will get a little time and appreciation from someone who is not the absolute center of attention and maybe get something really great to write about. If its interesting to you, my bet is it will make for a great article.
If you secure a poster for Lynx you will receive his love.
If you deliver the poster in a dozen seperate envelopes you will recieve this.