BSOD - 0x000000CE error
I've been getting this BSOD for the last few days, so I know something's up. At the top of the BSOD it says the following: DRIVER_UNLOADED_WITHOUT_CANCELLING_PENDING_OPERATIONS Then at the bottom, it says something about a physical dump and memory, and also mentions the file "EagleNxt.sys" I honestly have no idea what this is. Please advise on how to approach this situation. I use Windows XP SP3.
Start --> Run
Type "sfc /scannow" (without quotes). Some reports about that BSOD indicated file corruption with core windows files from the eaglenxt.sys driver
Second, check memory with Memtest 86+. Instructions are available on this site in multiple places as well as on the Memtest 86+ site. You can either download it to a USB drive or get a more full featured CD like UBCD for other testing.
I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with outdated drivers? This PC was given to me about a month back, and I believe it's pretty dormant. I'm not sure which drivers I would need to update though, if it all.