My thoughts on BF3
Elkridge Member
Everyday that I see some new Battlefield 3 information I get excited. Sometimes however I see information that seriously dampers my enthusiasm. A few days ago EA confirmed there will be no in game server browser and everything must be done manually from EA's "Battle Log". People who played the alpha said this was a horrible system and I would believe it. Who at EA decided it would be good to give the console people server browsers yet not the PC crowd? Then I see the jet game play and I get excited again. There are really a lot of things with this game that put me through an emotional roller coaster. One day I see incredible game play that display how gorgeous the game looks then they tell me it won't be on steam (an example of disappointment). This game is gonna be something special if EA doesn't keep screwing over the PC community. I understand that the consoles are the main chunk of the market, but not catering to what you developed this game for seems odd if not out right stupid. All in all I will most likely clock a lot of hours on BF3 from what I've seen so far, however if EA keeps treating us PC players like 3rd rate citizens (behind PS3 and Xbox) it may be sitting in my origin library, untouched. Sorry if this article was all over the place as it was the first I've written for Icrontic. Let me know your thoughts on this game and what EA is doing to the PC community.
The battlelog was different, I'll give you that. But at the same time once you get over the 'the hell is this' moment you begin to realize how much nicer it is to bookmark your favorite server and let the browser remember the details. It's pretty damn innovative and intuitive - click the link and you're up and running right away (no ingame movies, splash screens, etc.) Done playing? Exit the game and you're closed down within 3 seconds. It's different, yes - but refreshing.
Did you play the Alpha, or are you just shooting from the hip here?
as far as EA..well
If there's any one thing that I will complain about, it's definitely the Origin/Steam drama. To boot, Steam is just a better delivery platform and system, and I'm not fascinated with the idea of putting money on "maybe it'll get better some day." I didn't do that with Steam, and I won't do it now.
Aside from the fact that Origin is EA distributed games only, what is it about the system that is so terrible? As a content delivery system alone, I'm not sure what they can do to improve - it works great, IMO.
I'm genuinely curious... I can't figure out what it is about Origin everyone seems to hate outside the fact that it isn't Steam, and therefore is somehow inferior.
Three strikes for me.
I had so many issues with these things, that I decided I'd just rather not own an EA game. I haven't bought one since BF2142.
That being said, this game looks fantastic, and if I can swing it with my antiquated Core 2 Duo, then I will probably try out Origin, Battle Log, and BF3.
They only get the one chance from me though.
So why again, would I want to buy a game when I already know that development will stop and move to the sequel within a few days of release, and I'll have to buy said sequel or expansion for the bugfixes? If I was going to support this scheme at all - which I don't - I'd just wait for BF3:The Search For More Cash.
Hi there, that entire paragraph was one big, rage fueled fail of ignorance and stereotyping EA games. Yes, some EA games have had that issue, but if you had played BF:BC2, you would know that they updated for a whole year before abandoning work on patches (insert sarcasm that you are too rage fueled to get). Or what about the years of BF2 updates in order to fix issues that continually cropped up? Well, except for the PKM of Death update, screw that one.
Also, whats so bad about a company using planned obsolescence in order to generate a revenue stream? Absolutely nothing. Everybody does it, in almost every industry, why shouldn't EA or any other publisher? EA has a right to make/publish games as they see fit, yeah, we bitch about their methods, but, tell me again, what were their revenues last year? Oh yeah, a FUCKTON more than you made.
Battlefield 2 - I bought the complete collection (BF2, Special Forces, Euro Force, Armored Fury) at retail way back when. All of the expansion pack codes printed on the insert in the box came up as "invalid" when I tried to register them on the EA download manager. Resulting in never being able to play 3/4 of what I paid for.
Spore - Anti-piracy DRM made it hard as shit to install the game I legally paid for and limited me (and everyone else) to 3 installations. Again involving EA download manager.
Dragon Age: Origins - Pre-ordered the deluxe edition with the Stone Prisoner, Warden's Keep content, and some other Steam exclusive pre-order items. Because you had to enter a code again through EA download manager and some problem with the Dragon Age: Origins updater service I never managed to get access to the content I paid for (again). EA support forums acknowledged the issues and essentially said, "We know and that sucks, deal with it."
EA download manager gets re-skinned as "Origin"
Alice: Madness Returns - Bought at retail, made an account on Origin and registered the game. The next day tried to log into Origin and "my username and/or password are invalid".
I haven't been able to log into Origin since and hope to god I never have to even if I decide to get BF3 which is becoming more doubtful daily.
TL; DR - Do they hate me or can they just not do anything right?
They didn't change it, just changed the wording and said, "like, totally, we do what we want and you like it!"
If you pre-order the game you can have ALL of it! Brilliant
Long ago I cared enough to read EULA's but not anymore, plus I don't really play games(as of now I don't even have steam installed after doing a clean install of windows a few weeks ago). But I am curious if steam has anything like that in their EULA as it seems every piece of software out these days simply want ALL THE ACCESSES.
I've been a fan of steam myself and 99.9 of my past game purchases have been through steam for mostly the reason that I don't want any other programs running in the background than needed. But I have plenty of resources available now compared to long ago so that shouldn't be such a big deal I suppose. Though EA has always been shady in my opinion, BF3 looks soo sweet. I still may have to pass it up and maybe even *sniff* ME3.
I'm pretty sure it makes you invisible too.
FWIW, the idea of "if you're doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about" is a terrible way of looking at privacy, IMO.
Would you poop with the door open at the next IC LAN where all 80 participants can see you?
Edit: That should suffice as far as derailing this thread.