Not getting SMP Wu's
Acadiana Icrontian
Anybody else shut down this afternoon? I don't think they are getting turned in either. I think these are Big Wu's but I could be wrong.
I only see 2 SMP servers down at this point, which is where bigadv comes from/goes to, along with normal SMP clients.
EDIT: Confirmed that "Accepting" is a positive status indicator under the "Connect" column, and the "Status" column has "full" meaning fully operational, as opposed to "accepting", which means only letting WUs return. Why they would use the same thing in two different columns to mean different things is beyond me.
Standby can mean a server has accepted so many work unit result sets that it needs emptying and has safetied itself or been safetied by an assignment server. It will remain in standby while being emptied. It also can mean that the server was feeding work units only and needs filling with more work units. It will accept network connects from within FAH's core network but not from outside it.
The positive indication form of accepting means it passes a network function test, and down means it is even unable to respond to network queries from within the labs of FAH's core network.
Start the client after that and see if it pulls another WU or not. If not, post a log (just attach the file)