AMD Introduces the Opteron 8xx & 1xx versions

Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
edited June 2003 in Science & Tech
<a href="; target=_blank>The Inquirer</a> and <a href="; target=_blank>AMDZone</a>

The 800 series, as its number suggests, is aimed at the eight way server market but will probably find its first applications if four way servers, as we reported over the weekend.

The 100 series is intended for one way servers and workstations.

Under AMD's number scheme, there will be 840, 842s, 844s, 140s, 142s and 144 chips available now.
<i>(x40=1.40ghz, x42=1.60ghz, x44=1.8ghz)</i>

Prices. The 840 costs $749, the 842 $1,299 and the 844 $2,149. The 140 is $229, the 142 $438 and the 144 $669.
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