That battery meter is built into Gingerbread. I was just demonstrating how much battery life it got with the amount of use I put on it. Much better than a benchmark I could run, because the result proves pretty strong battery life with REAL use.
Strange; we were discussing the battery life of the NC during the ICDND call yesterday and CB said he basically has to charge it every 24 hours, but Pete gets days out of his.
Obviously it should last days, so CB might have a problem with the battery, or apps that run amok...
It's one of the following:
-An app (very likely)
-Old ROM (Absolutely, if he's still running Phiremod)
-Crappy battery (Not very likely)
-No adjustment of CPU profiles (Possible)
It's one of the following:
-An app (very likely)
-Old ROM (Absolutely, if he's still running Phiremod)
-Crappy battery (Not very likely)
-No adjustment of CPU profiles (Possible)
I suspect it's some combination of all but 3.
Well, you set it up. What do I need to do to fix it?
Given the drain you're experiencing, something is definitely keeping the Nook from advancing to deep sleep. Switching ROMs may give you an extra few hours, so we'll go there only if needed (sucky time/reward ratio).
The application will record what processes are bringing the phone out of deep sleep, and for how long. When you get into the program, select "since charged" and "Wakelocks." You'll see what I mean when you open the app.
After a day's worth of usage, including some time with wifi/screen off, you should see an app rocket to the top of the list with long/frequent usage. That app needs to go away.
Regardless, quite impressive. And still not dead. Glad to see WiFi doesn't tank the battery.
I should have my Nook by Friday. Can't wait.
//EDIT: Bottom number shows the time since it was last rebooted.
Obviously it should last days, so CB might have a problem with the battery, or apps that run amok...
-An app (very likely)
-Old ROM (Absolutely, if he's still running Phiremod)
-Crappy battery (Not very likely)
-No adjustment of CPU profiles (Possible)
I suspect it's some combination of all but 3.
Well, you set it up. What do I need to do to fix it?
So, charge your Nook to full, then unplug it and install this here app:
The application will record what processes are bringing the phone out of deep sleep, and for how long. When you get into the program, select "since charged" and "Wakelocks." You'll see what I mean when you open the app.
After a day's worth of usage, including some time with wifi/screen off, you should see an app rocket to the top of the list with long/frequent usage. That app needs to go away.