
64-bit Xeon, Pentium Processors Next Month?

edited January 2004 in Science & Tech
[link=http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/cpu/display/20040129145402.html]Xbitlabs[/link]: Intel to Showcase 64-bit Xeon, Pentium Processors Next Month?

[blockquote]The critical mass of rumours regarding 64-bit enhancements for Intel’s 32-bit processors has probably been reached recently: all the online and offline media report about Intel’s own implementation of the so-called x86-64 conception. A story at News.com suggests that Intel would demonstrate its Xeon and Pentium processors “CT” with 64-bit extensions as early as next-month.

Apparently, everything is still about the mysterious Yamhill project that is now named CT. It is not clear which enhancements had been made to Intel’s 32-bit microprocessors, but the most notable one is ability to address more than 4GB of random access memory by processors like Xeon or Pentium. It is claimed that Intel will demonstrate its new CT versions of Xeon and/or Pentium products in mid-February at IDF in San Francisco.[/blockquote]

Source: [link=http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/cpu/display/20040129145402.html]Xbitlabs[/link]
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