Would like your input

I know this won't have a lot of interest with the guys here, but I thought I'd ask for your input anyway.
I am setting up a cruffler site and forum. What's a cruffler you ask? Well to save google a few hits, it is a person who collects old firearms. To do this you have a Federal firearms license type 3. This is called a Curio & Relic FFL thus CRFFL....>cruffl.......>cruffler So as you can imagine from this that yes I collect, restore, and shoot old WWII and WWI rifles. It is fun to take a very old rusty thing and through a lot of time and elbow grease, make a beautiful piece of machinery.
Here is the last piece I restored:

This is a 1932 Russian Mosin Nagant and it was used in WWII.
Anyway, it is my first site on my own equipment and my own network. Since it is on my equipment it has some very fancy anti spammer modules running and thus subject to being a pain in the XXX.
I have a basic landing page up and the forums work (and not much else yet).
If you guys could go by during some boring time and look around the forums, register (if you want) and let me know what changes would be nice. Maybe post a bit and see if it responds nicely.This would let me know if it is working and maybe a bit of a load test on the equipment.
I think the forums are pretty much complete in configuration, but of course almost completely empty. I hope to change that as time goes by. I am going to be adding 2 more sites to that server so I kinda need to see how it performs. If it sucks I'll have to add in another web server.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated
I am setting up a cruffler site and forum. What's a cruffler you ask? Well to save google a few hits, it is a person who collects old firearms. To do this you have a Federal firearms license type 3. This is called a Curio & Relic FFL thus CRFFL....>cruffl.......>cruffler So as you can imagine from this that yes I collect, restore, and shoot old WWII and WWI rifles. It is fun to take a very old rusty thing and through a lot of time and elbow grease, make a beautiful piece of machinery.
Here is the last piece I restored:
This is a 1932 Russian Mosin Nagant and it was used in WWII.
Anyway, it is my first site on my own equipment and my own network. Since it is on my equipment it has some very fancy anti spammer modules running and thus subject to being a pain in the XXX.
I have a basic landing page up and the forums work (and not much else yet).
If you guys could go by during some boring time and look around the forums, register (if you want) and let me know what changes would be nice. Maybe post a bit and see if it responds nicely.This would let me know if it is working and maybe a bit of a load test on the equipment.
I think the forums are pretty much complete in configuration, but of course almost completely empty. I hope to change that as time goes by. I am going to be adding 2 more sites to that server so I kinda need to see how it performs. If it sucks I'll have to add in another web server.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated
On an unrelated note, cool hobby! My dad has an old Mauser K98 in working condition. A blast to shoot. Friend of mine has the same rifle, with nazi cross and eagle branded into the stock.
I appreciate the site look over. I need to work more on the landing pages. Been trying to get the forums working right and keep the spammers out. Had a half a dozen hit in the first 3 days it was online and noone even new it existed yet. I think I got that worked out using a gate keeper and a honeypot. None since. Then my provider blocks port 25 system wide so email has been interesting to say the least. Now it works after 2 relays.
I have come to the conclusion that I am not a web designer. Hardware I can do. I registered the domain, built the server, installed the software (Windows 2k8R2), setup the website and software and got it online in 4 days. It's been downhill ever since.
Sometimes I wish I had been blessed with at least a little creativity
Thanks for your input and I will be working on it.