Hardware RAID Mirror Fails! Need Help :(

edited September 2011 in Hardware
Hi Pros,
I have a server running Win 2K3 with an Intel DQ35MP motherboard.I have installed Server 2K3 with RAID Drivers and everything were running pretty well until the time when the Power Failed and unfortunately UPS ran out of battery and BAAAM! (Power Failed=5 hours!!!! ) What I faced after starting my computer was nothing except one error: "NTLDR is missing" . So I started to thinking about doing a Fixboot via CMD and unfortunately I saw 2 Local Drives that contain boot sector, so I found out that the RAID has been Broken. Now,these two hard disk are working very well seprately but when I plug in both of them on my motherboard windows fails to start.
Now is there any reason to rebuild the RAID drivers of my Hard Disks? :(


  • PirateNinjaPirateNinja Icrontian
    edited September 2011
    If I were you ...
    1. Before anything else take one of the working drives, and back it up bit for bit
    Now you are left with both system drives, and a backup drive (3 drives total)
    2. Format one of the raid drives with the same filesystem it already has
    3. Boot off of a single drive
    4. http://www.intel.com/support/chipsets/imsm/sb/CS-029023.htm

    Just WHATEVER YOU DO : Back up EVERYTHING to a third drive and lock it away before you play with or rebuild the raid on the two current drives
  • RootWyrmRootWyrm Icrontian
    edited September 2011
    Bluntly, you're hosed. Copy off the critical stuff, rebuild RAID, reinstall. Power outage caused Matrix RAID to lose configuration. It is NOT HARDWARE RAID. It is very, VERY vulnerable to just about anything.

    Windows is toast regardless, because of hidden registry hives. Those point to the boot device, and must be updated when the RAID breaks. Problem being: they're not meant to ever be updated, and can't be on XP, Vista, or 2K3. They're set at install, and that's that. The RAID boot device is unique to each array, and rebuild will wipe the drives.

    So copy everything off to another drive, rebuild the array, reinstall, restore. That's your only option.
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