Gah, Boring Case! What to do?
Well, I picked up my case at this computer show about a year or so ago. I used it as a little play-server (it wouldn't work with my ghetto HP stuff.) It's a basic case, with a UV Window and a fan on the side panel.
A few months back I had some free time, I switched my main rig over to it, and it worked. I got a cold cathode from also, but I managed to snap that in half (I leaned on it by accident.
I still have the converter.)
I don't really want to spend more than $75-80 on case mods (I am on a limited budget, no job, and I also spend some on paintball,) and I want it to look cool. (For LAN parties, etc.)
Here are some pics:

[Side View of Case]

[Front/Diagnol View]

[The Guts]

[One More Inside Shot]

[Desk/Room Shot] Haha, don't mind the guitar/paintball gun. :o
What do you guys think? What should I mod? Or should I go buy some higher-preformance parts? [See my specs below.]
A few months back I had some free time, I switched my main rig over to it, and it worked. I got a cold cathode from also, but I managed to snap that in half (I leaned on it by accident.

I don't really want to spend more than $75-80 on case mods (I am on a limited budget, no job, and I also spend some on paintball,) and I want it to look cool. (For LAN parties, etc.)
Here are some pics:

[Side View of Case]

[Front/Diagnol View]

[The Guts]

[One More Inside Shot]

[Desk/Room Shot] Haha, don't mind the guitar/paintball gun. :o
What do you guys think? What should I mod? Or should I go buy some higher-preformance parts? [See my specs below.]
Upgrade and Sell. Sell of the CPU and MB, and buy a new combo. Then just reorganize the case and wires and stuff. Then if you have any money left over, head to BestBuy and get one of the Cold Cathode Lights. I think mine was like $9.
900MHz is not enough for gaming, but that Radeon 8500 should do fine until you can afford something better.
But if I were you, I wouldn't really go spending money until I had a job, at least a Temp one. I wish I could do that, sadly Computers are my Crack and I can't quit. :P
I use black sticky-back mount points and black TIE-wraps to get wires out of window area and thus also not hanging where cooling air flow needs most to be. I would say get wires out of sight and get higher performance parts myself. You can use black small auto harness sheathing material also, to hide wires. then you can light the higher performnance parts which also give you a faster box. Go for things that benefit more than one way when trying to minimize funds spent. Routing wires is cheapest easy way to get better cooling, and routing in black sheaths hides the wiring bundles you cannot totally get out of the way. If you want to make the sheaths visible for the mobo connector harness, for example, red auto harness sheathing can be had, and blue sheathing, and yellow sheathing. Make dark what you want to hide, keep it from hiding the things you want to light. When I do my new mobo in the Barton box, will show you what I mean by routing....
...ohh, and a fan to go with that open spot would be usefull too. You'd need it if you went with a more powerful CPU.
RWB is right; If I were you, I'd worry more about what was IN the case, than what the case looks like.