NO malc the issue is my cat tiger wears a 1.21 jigawatt set of boots.... I overcloaked him like in the good old days and the powerboost allows him to time travel and free the whole internets from the beginning... he a king tiger like al gore rarr: pickylickybooboo
midga"There's so much hot dog in Rome" ~digi(> ^.(> O_o)>Icrontian
Yeah...this is hardly a big deal. If someone set up their WAP to have their last name, that was their dumb. If someone doesn't know how to change their SSID, I'm sorry but I have little sympathy for people who don't bother to learn about the things they use. The fact that they're letting you opt-out is pretty awesome, really, and there's no reason why they should have to. Also, consider the fact that the only way they would know an SSID would want to opt out is if it says it wants to opt out. They can't see anything else. I for one appreciate the convenience of their system being able to locate my phone (when I need to find something nearby) based on something besides a spotty GPS signal through a crappy GPS receiver.
If you're really offended by this fairly innocuous act of Google's (that is, allowing you to set up your SSID to be automatically removed from their database simply by appending to the name) then...I dunno. It just seems like out of all the problems that exist, this isn't even worth mentioning, much less championing. Go find a charity or do some volunteer work or something and help people with Real Problems.
If you're really offended by this fairly innocuous act of Google's (that is, allowing you to set up your SSID to be automatically removed from their database simply by appending to the name) then...I dunno. It just seems like out of all the problems that exist, this isn't even worth mentioning, much less championing. Go find a charity or do some volunteer work or something and help people with Real Problems.