Percent GPU usage no workie.

Ok what's the deal here? I'm in configure section of the V7 1.38 client and I go to reduce core usage to 80% and save. No matter what I do the client still runs the gpu at 100%. Any idea what I am not doing right?
What's been happening is this. Since I added the GPU to the V7 client all was well for both SMP & GPU until I press "finish". It then bluescreens around the time that it should be at a save interval. Idunno what's going on with that.
Used to ATi cards didn't use CPU and you could fold on them while playing games.
Looks like it's time for a new video card now. I'd like something under $300.
So far I'm looking at either an ASUS ENGTX560 TI if/when it comes back into stock, or an XFX HD-695X-CNDC . I'm leaning more towards the Asus at the moment.
I definitely do not plan on gpu folding and gaming at the same time no matter what card I get.,3067.html would be a good set of info to look at for comparison. That information is from this month.
Thanks for the link.
Which card did you get? The 3 EVGA 570's I see all look alike.
If I did spend the extra cash I think I would go with the EVGA 012-P3-1578-AR
Absolutely. The dev(s) still have many kinks to work out in that regard. In that vein, the difference in PPD is going to be ~4k going from a 560 to a 570, and probably 2x AMD, or greater with either card. I am leaving work and couldn't find quick numbers on AMD folding, so I'm guesstimating based on only one source.
I'll edit in my 570 when I get home.
K ...hurry home. :bigggrin:
But, have a safe trip!!!
If I'm not mistaken ...the only real difference between the two is the bit rate. 256 vs 320. I wouldn't have guessed it would make that much difference in folding.
This is what I got. Was able to get it to 800 MHz stable with minimal voltage bump.
Oh I see ...I thought the core count was the same between 560 & 570. Ok talked me into it. EVGA it is. It will be around a week before I order. Stuff seems to go on sale this time of year!
Looking at the EVGA cards now I think I will get the same card you have and just try to overclock it to 800 like you do. Is your mem at 3900?
Totally intentional. You can stick your HDMI in my adapter anytime.