Transcast disapeared?

I used to run a 24/7 streaming music station on my server, but when I cleared everything a while back, I didn't bother reinstalling Transcast, and now, I can't find it. Anywhere....
Transcast is a program (Linux) that can take and play either a playlist of songs or a direct input (i.e. Line-In), encode it, and forward it to a Shoutcast server.
If anyone could find this actual program (source) anywhere, it would be much apreciated (as I have a shoutcast server and music, but no encoder).
Transcast is a program (Linux) that can take and play either a playlist of songs or a direct input (i.e. Line-In), encode it, and forward it to a Shoutcast server.
If anyone could find this actual program (source) anywhere, it would be much apreciated (as I have a shoutcast server and music, but no encoder).
then i searched the gentoo forums for transcast and found this post:
which seems to indicate that the product itself is not transcast, but is the actual shoutcast dsp plugin for linux, straight from winamp themselves. if that's not correct, sorry, and you could always play with icecast since it should do the same thing.
The first link goes to something unrelated, but the second link is the actual program that I want. The person in there is also assuming that TRANScast does the same job as Shoutcast, which it doesn't. TRANScast is a stand alone program (instead of using a WinAMP plugin or such).
I'll have a look at the Shoutcast forums, as someone must have mentioned it there, or infact contact the author of those posts and see where he obtained it from.
Cheers Kanez.
cheers Enverex.
(just busting your chops since you're always so careful