Help with Matlab

edited December 2011 in Science & Tech
Que 1. Create a Simulink model called lastname_prob4.mdl to simulate alt = sin(pi/4) + a•(t-5)2, where a is 2 and t varies from 0 to 30. You may leave the time step setting as default (variable time step). Send one output signal to a scope for plotting.

Que 2. Create a Simulink model called lastname_prob5.mdl to simulate alt = sin(pi/4) + a•(t-5)2, where a is 2 and t varies from 0 to 30 (use default time step setting). Next, use Simulink to solve for the time t at which alt crosses through 600. Use the relational operator, stop block and send the clock to a display to show the altitude crossing time.


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