Wordpress Images
I have tried lots of ways to get images to show up in Wordpress. None of them have worked. All that shows up is the place where the image is supposed to be.
What could be the problem? Any help would be appreciated.
What could be the problem? Any help would be appreciated.

There are lots of ways to get this, but the most common is to have the image path wrong - it might be left over from the building of the website on one computer, and then having the path to the image different on another computer hosting the site.
Another way is to feed too big an image in data size for a browser, or also yet another is to feed an image of a type that the browsing computer does not know how to handle. That is because image files are sent as data files to computers that browse web sites.
You may know all this, but from time to time even I have been trapped by one or the other and feed mostly .jpg files (which Windows and Linux can both handle and edit) for still images now and look at the way a browser looks at a website when specifying a path. Let's say my image is stored in a folder called images and is called image1.jpg on the web server (this is just an example) on the website http://johndanielsonii.name .
The path I would use for the image then would be http://johndanielson.name/images/image1.jpg (which is an example only, do not bother trying to browse to that path - it will look broken). This kind of full path works in all browsers, BTW.