Digi's Adventures In Hardcore
Since 1.0 has come out, I have played Hardcore Minecraft (1 life, world deletes on death) twice. The first time I had a nice mine going, went exploring and died due to a glitch involving a boat and half stones. I wasn't too upset as I didn't have a lot of time put into it and hadn't really built anything worth sharing.
What follows are shots from my 2nd shot at Hardcore.
<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/51GZw/embed"></iframe>
Imgur Album for scrollable album and to be able to see entire descriptions.
I used a little trick I figured out to "save" my hardcore world. Basically when you die, close Minecraft. Then reopen in 1.8, run map, respawn. This will convert it into 1.8 survival. You can then go back into 1.0 as survival. The down side to this is anything introduced to Minecraft after 1.8 will be gone. This is why the Enchantment Table, Netherwart and the entire Nether Stronghold are gone in my screenshots.
What follows are shots from my 2nd shot at Hardcore.
<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/51GZw/embed"></iframe>
Imgur Album for scrollable album and to be able to see entire descriptions.
I used a little trick I figured out to "save" my hardcore world. Basically when you die, close Minecraft. Then reopen in 1.8, run map, respawn. This will convert it into 1.8 survival. You can then go back into 1.0 as survival. The down side to this is anything introduced to Minecraft after 1.8 will be gone. This is why the Enchantment Table, Netherwart and the entire Nether Stronghold are gone in my screenshots.

Combine two of the same tool.
Caveat: Repairing enchanted tools loses the enchantment (if it even works at all, I can't remember).
Yup, placing two used tools of the same type and material anywhere on a crafting grid will combine them and output a tool with more than the combined strength of the two toold used to craft.
Last I read MM is right about losing enchantments, but I read that before 1.0 release and have not seen it tested since.
You can read about Enchantment Tables on the Wiki. Another newer feature: Potions.
23835 Isn't bad. Didn't get to slay the Dragon though.