[BLOG] A poem

BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of PropagandaOKC Icrontian
edited November -1 in Community
My friend of many years is the son of a US Representative. This is what I found on his Facebook today and seeing as he mentioned it has made rounds as an email in D.C., I figured it was fair game to share it.

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So, a few mornings ago on October 1, I woke up to find the following message, reprinted here in its entirety, attached to a friend request here on Facebook. I am not including a name or any additional identifying details, because I believe this person's privacy should be respected.

"You're dad is a d0uche for voting yes on the bailout. What a loser."

People sometimes ask why I am so reticent about answering any questions involving my father's career. Well, they can consider this Exhibit A. I have never met this person, as far as I know, and yet s/he felt free to send me this. On my birthday. AND it has a blinding grammatical error. I'm not sure which makes me the most angry.

So, following the old principle that you can either get mad or get...creative, I stopped doing the first for long enough to gather some inspiration for the second. The resulting poem was sent to my father's congressional office directly, where it inspired a lot of chuckles and a few forwardings to other offices on Capitol Hill. Now, to bring this saga full-circle, I am posting it on Facebook, where I sincerely hope that it will get back to the person who inspired it. I hope that s/he is okay with it...since this is one case where I can honestly say that without him/her, this could never have been written...

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YOU'RE DAD IS A d0uche
By Mason Cole

You're dad is a d0uche
Because we don't agree
And what I want is right
For the land of the free
And although I'm aware
He's got some Ph.D.
I am quite sure that me
Is much smarter than he
And that's why you're dad is a d0uche.

You're dad is a d0uche
For he's hurting the land
By voting on issues
He don't understand
And he votes the wrong way
So there's blood on his hand
And I strongly demand
That he take back his stand
Though I know a lot less than the d0uche.

You're dad is a d0uche
And a jerk and a bore
And a partisan hack
So I'll give him what for
Even though I quite plainly
Can't tell "You're" from "Your"
But I still know the score
He's a big-business whore
And a socialist pig and a d0uche.

You're dad is a d0uche
So I'm telling you so
You might think I'm real rude
Since yourself I don't know
But the truth must be told
And your dad's got to go
And let's be friends on Facebook!

Got your message -- hello
But I think what you show
Is my dad's not the one who's a d0uche.


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