[BLOG] New home server project

_k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
edited November -1 in Community
So I had this great idea after talking with some people about a possible job change, oh please I hate where I work, and they said that I was lacking a little in the area of "servers" that they were doing.

Long story short I met them while I was working and they came in looking for some fiber ready switches to replace dead ones. They didn't know what kind of fiber ports they needed and when asked they said "what does it look like"....uh. So they bragged a little and talked to me and another friend on the floor about sending our resumes in and getting started working for them(two man IT department right now). Said we can use to just dump .iso for new boxes and fix people's puters they broke w00t. It was kind of funny he seemed a little thrown off by the languages I put on my resume....MIPS....did you mean java script instead of java.

So after looking at what my skillz are they said I didn't have the kind of experience I seemed to have when I was talking to them? In order to try and correct this I am going to start switching over one of my rigs to server 08 and run that as my dl and ftp for in home. This would serve me two fold. Get some good experience using server 08 and setting up for remote use and two give me a chance to blow some money and use some EOPs. I thought about doing this all with Linux and it would be a great learning experience but I am lazy and don't want to have to find the drivers for that, plus did I say I was lazy. Also this will get me another folding rig back up that has been off for months.....now I just need to figure out where to put it.

Kind of eggcited to get started and get into it all. This would just being using Standard because thats what I can get free for being a student and run this all legit. I should really find a way to get this thing plugged into a TV cause the 1900xt in it will be just sitting there, however, room is a real issue. New experiences and new skillz to add next to my bowstaff skillz on the resume.
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