[BLOG] I'm building an army - Part 2
The second Warhammer 40K Escalation League tournament was Saturday. We had 10 players show up, so I was able to play my Khorne Berserker army against 3 new opponents.
Here's what I took:
HQ - Kharn the Betrayer
Elites - Chaos Dreadnought with 2 close combat weapons
Troops - 2 squads of 8 Berserkers, each with two plasma pistols and a Skull Champion with plasma pistol in Rhino transports with daemonic possession.
Heavy - Defiler with close combat weapons.
The first game, I got schooled. I had to go second, so on the first turn my opponent trashed my transport vehicles and immobilized the Defiler. I lost half my mobility before I had a chance to start. It went downhill from there with my dice hating me and no cover to hide behind. Score was 9 - 1 at the end.
Second game, I played a Blood Angels space marine army equipped entirely with jump packs. I expected to get schooled but the dice were on my side and I did heavy damage on the first turn. The lack of heavy weapons in my opponent's army let me roll forward and capture our objectives while I picked the opposing force apart with shooting and brutal hand-to-hand. It was a massacre I won 10 - 0.
On the last game, I knew I needed to do well if I wanted to place. My first opponent and I were each sitting at 11 points a piece and we figured we were out of the running since another dude had 18 points after winning both games. I got paired with a guy who'd gone 2-0 so far and figured I was finished. He has a well rounded Space Wolves space marine army that was full of hard-hitting veteran units and a Land Raider, the toughest tank in the game. Luck again allowed me to survive the shots from his big tank long enough to maneuver into a safe position and begin working my way down his line slaying his units in hand-to-hand. At the end of Turn 5, he put his remaining 4 models inside the Land Raider and ran away to hide behind a building so I couldn't destroy him completely. When Turn 6 came to an end, I won 9-1.
My first opponent had a similar situation and pulled 9 points out of his final game. We sat tied in second with 20 points. The guy with 18 points got a 10 point win and rocketed ahead to claim first place, but our 20 points were good enough to tie us both for second. A little extra carnage goes a long way.
Here are the photos from the event:
The Defiler emerges from the trees to blast the unlucky Space Wolves sitting in the open behind their Land Raider. The squad hiding in the trees can die later.
Here, the Kharn's Rhino and squad prepare to assault with the dreadnought. The Space Wolves have no chance!
Next tourney is 1,500 points. I've got another squad of Zerkers in a Rhino, a Khorne Lord with Daemon weapon (2d6 extra attacks), and some additional weapons to throw in that'll make a right mess. I'm looking forward to it.
Here's what I took:
HQ - Kharn the Betrayer
Elites - Chaos Dreadnought with 2 close combat weapons
Troops - 2 squads of 8 Berserkers, each with two plasma pistols and a Skull Champion with plasma pistol in Rhino transports with daemonic possession.
Heavy - Defiler with close combat weapons.
The first game, I got schooled. I had to go second, so on the first turn my opponent trashed my transport vehicles and immobilized the Defiler. I lost half my mobility before I had a chance to start. It went downhill from there with my dice hating me and no cover to hide behind. Score was 9 - 1 at the end.
Second game, I played a Blood Angels space marine army equipped entirely with jump packs. I expected to get schooled but the dice were on my side and I did heavy damage on the first turn. The lack of heavy weapons in my opponent's army let me roll forward and capture our objectives while I picked the opposing force apart with shooting and brutal hand-to-hand. It was a massacre I won 10 - 0.
On the last game, I knew I needed to do well if I wanted to place. My first opponent and I were each sitting at 11 points a piece and we figured we were out of the running since another dude had 18 points after winning both games. I got paired with a guy who'd gone 2-0 so far and figured I was finished. He has a well rounded Space Wolves space marine army that was full of hard-hitting veteran units and a Land Raider, the toughest tank in the game. Luck again allowed me to survive the shots from his big tank long enough to maneuver into a safe position and begin working my way down his line slaying his units in hand-to-hand. At the end of Turn 5, he put his remaining 4 models inside the Land Raider and ran away to hide behind a building so I couldn't destroy him completely. When Turn 6 came to an end, I won 9-1.
My first opponent had a similar situation and pulled 9 points out of his final game. We sat tied in second with 20 points. The guy with 18 points got a 10 point win and rocketed ahead to claim first place, but our 20 points were good enough to tie us both for second. A little extra carnage goes a long way.
Here are the photos from the event:
The Defiler emerges from the trees to blast the unlucky Space Wolves sitting in the open behind their Land Raider. The squad hiding in the trees can die later.
Here, the Kharn's Rhino and squad prepare to assault with the dreadnought. The Space Wolves have no chance!
Next tourney is 1,500 points. I've got another squad of Zerkers in a Rhino, a Khorne Lord with Daemon weapon (2d6 extra attacks), and some additional weapons to throw in that'll make a right mess. I'm looking forward to it.