[BLOG] Uh-oh! Stormy Nights Ahead!

Well folks, it looks like the Blackberry Storm is here to rain on your picture taking parade. A trip over to the Blackberry forums is revealing a problem with the camera application. Seems that if you want to do something crazy, like I don't know, use the camera, the RIM gods will not smile upon you. The iPhone killing 9500 will apparently re-map all the icons after your photo session, making it very difficult to email your mom those pictures of little Johnny. There does not seem to be a fix at the moment (short of pulling the battery and rebooting), but I'm sure that these issues will be hammered out in the next firmware update. But no amount of updating will fix the giant mouse button that is going to decide to stop working in about 3 months. Hope the insurance covers that (if you bought it).